Best of scottish pipes and drums

Auteur(s) Beeston & District pipe band ;Grampian police pipe band ;Clan Sutherland pipe band ;Queen's Royal Pipers ;Pipes & drums 1st bn.scots guards ;Pipes &drums 1st bn. Queen's own highlanders ;Waltham forest pipe band ;Pride of Murray pipe band
Titre(s) Best of scottish pipes and drums / Queen's Royal Pipers ; Scots Guards ; Clan Sutherland pipe band...
Editeur(s) Dom, 2011.
Musique traditionnelle : Ecosse (GB) : Disques compacts
Cornemuse : Ecosse (GB) : Disques compacts
Contient Amazing grace. - Raigmore. - Mac An Irish. - The braes of mar. - The hen and the turkey. - Hornpipe and reels. - The gathering. - Naill from Glenroe. - The cape breton fiddler's welcome to shetland. - 24th guards brigade at Anzio. - The Argylls crossing the river Po. - Drum salute, the half inched pearl. - A salute to the Royal Fendersmith. - Humours of Tulla. - Famous ballymote. - Famous bridge. - Para handay's reel. - The silver fox. - Murdo's wedding. - City of Hastings pipe band. - The muir of Ord. - Banjo breakdown. - Rocking the baby. - The fittie boatman. - Dream Angus. - Itchy fingers. - It's lonely at nicht in the bothy. - Scotland the brave. - I love a Lassie. - Bluebells of scotland. - Nae awa'tae bide awa. - March, strathspey and reel. - the highland wedding. - Tulloch castle. - John MacKechnie. - Joe McGann's fiddle. - Old hag at the spinning wheel. - The braes o'mar. - Mollie Connell. - Ice i'the bucket. - The silver spear. - Marches with a twist !. - Dawning of the day. - At long last. - Drum salute. - Lord Byron. - Banksof Allan Water. - Heroes of Vittoria.
Précisions 1 CD (livret)
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