Les plus grands tubes disco

Auteur(s) Gaynor, Gloria ;Summer, Donna ;Ross, Diana (1944-...) ;White, Barry ;Pointer, Bonnie ;Juvet, Patrick (1950-...) ;Parker, Dennis ;Dalida (1933-1987) ;Cardinale, Claudia (1939-...) ;Chandler, Gene (1937-...) ;Jones, Grace ;Reed, Vivian ;Jennifer ;Jacobs, Debbie ;Jones, Quincy (1933-...) ;Houston, Thelma ;Kitt, Eartha (1927-2008) ;Guthrie, Gwen ;Starr, Edwin ;Sheridan, Ann C. ;Perlman, Dan ;Cheatham, Oliver ;Gaye, Marvin (1939-1984) ;Mills, Stephanie ;Allen, Peter ;Village people ;Abba ;Ritchie family ;Money girls (The) ;La Bionda ;Santa Esmeralda ;The Jackson Five ;New Lollitas (The) ;Dazz band ;Imagination ;Maceo and the Macks ;Parliament ;Spinners ;Rubettes ;Kool and The Gang ;Brothers Johnson (The) ;Womack & Womack ;Gap band (The) ;Peaches and Herb
Titre(s) Les plus grands tubes disco / Village People ; Gloria Gaynor ; Abba...
Editeur(s) Universal, 2013.
Note(s) Disque : 1 1. Y.m.c.a. - Village People 2. I will survive - Gloria Gaynor 3. Dancing queen - Abba 4. Hot stuff - Donna Summer 5. I'm coming out - Diana Ross 6. You're the first, the last, my everything - Barry White 7. Heaven must have sent you - Bonnie Pointer 8. The best disco in town - Ritchie Family 9. I love america - Patrick Juvet 10. Gigi in paradisco - Dalida 11. Love affair - Claudia Cardinale 12. Le freak - The Money Girls 13. Get down - Gene Chandler 14. Like an eagle - Dennis Parker 15. One for you, one for me - La Bionda Disque : 2 1. I want you back - Jackson 5 2. Ai no corrida - Quincy Jones 3. Don't leave me this way - Thelma Houston 4. Music and lights - Imagination 5. Where is my man - Eartha Kitt 6. In the navy - Village People 7. Ain't nothin' goin' on but the rent - Gwen Guthrie 8. Contact - Edwin Starr 9. Can't get enough of your love, babe - Barry White 10. Cross the tracks (we better go back) - Maceo and the Macks 11. Sing it low - Ann C. Sheridan 12. Give up the funk (tear the roof off the sucker) - Parliament 13. Disco samba - Dan Perlman 14. It's a shame - The Spinners 15. Sugar baby love - The Rubettes Disque : 3 1. Upside down - Diana Ross 2. Lady night - Patrick Juvet 3. Laissez-moi danser (monday tuesday) - Dalida 4. La vie en rose - Grace Jones 5. Don't let me be misunderstood - esmeralda suite - Santa Esmeralda 6. Never can say goodbye - Gloria Gaynor 7. Money, money, money - Abba 8. Go west - Village People 9. ABC - Jackson 5 10. We are family - The New Lollitas 11. Faith and fire - Vivian Reed 12. Do it for me - Jennifer 13. Undercover lover - Debbie Jacobs 14. Let it whip - Dazz Band 15. Come with me - Donna Summer Disque : 4 1. Get down on it - Kool & the Gang 2. Get down saturday night - Oliver Cheatham 3. Never knew love like this before - Stephanie Mills 4. Got to give it up (part 1) - Marvin Gaye 5. Stomp! - The Brothers Johnson 6. Dancing on the ceiling - Lionel Richie 7. I go to rio - Peter Allen 8. Teardrops - Womack & Womack 9. I don't believe you want to get up and dance (oops, up side your head) - The Gap Band 10. Just an illusion - Imagination 11. Shake your groove thing - Peaches & Herb 12. I'll do my best - Ritchie Family 13. Macho man - Village People 14. Kalimba de luna - Dalida 15. Dancing machine - Jackson 5.
Disco (musique) : Disques compacts
Précisions 4 CD
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Exemplaires : Les plus grands tubes disco
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Les plus grands tubes disco En rayonCD musique5.65 PLUMusique
Les plus grands tubes disco SortiCD musique5.65 PLUMusique
Les plus grands tubes disco En rayonCD musique1.40 PLUMusique





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